The Dunkin Skids Random Rant

So. Baiada decides to hand me over to some ancient, doctor lady who hasn’t had a perm in fifty years! If this quack thinks she’s gonna get anything from me, she’s sadly mistaken. I’m not giving this chick a cent worth of my life’s story because I ain’t planning on staying up in this piece much longer. This has been another Dunkin Skids Random Rant!DUNKIN AND DRAGON

DUNKIN SKIDS BOOK ONE chapter 19: ORIGINS part three

DUNKIN SKIDS BOOK ONE chapter 19: ORIGINS part three.

DUNKIN SKIDS BOOK ONE chapter 19: ORIGINS part three

pagepageDunkin enters the office or should I say lair of Penelope Gushman. In that room Dunkin will reveal to the doctor painful secrets from his past. A past that has defined who he is. Dunkin will be forced to look at his life like he has never done before. The results of his retrospective will guide his actions throughout the rest of the story. So, stay tune for the further adventures of the mouse-cat. And remember, Dunkin Skids lives forever!